

Stay updated on the latest achievements and noteworthy endeavors of Westmont College's esteemed faculty members. 该页面展示了他们对学术界和其他领域的持续贡献.

斯科特·安德森(艺术) 《ag娱乐官网》杂志2023年12月刊的封面. The New York Society of Illustrators chose his portrait of former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz for their 66th annual exhibition and displayed it at the society’s National Museum of American Illustration in NYC this spring. The Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles also selected it for their 62nd annual juried exhibition.

霍莉·比尔斯(宗教研究) is a consulting reviewer for the New Living Translation of the Bible for the synoptic Gospels and Acts. She presented two papers at the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting in November, “圣经

Studies Scholar Listens and Responds to a Systematic Theologian: A Review of ‘Hearing and Doing: The Speeches in Acts and the Essence of Christianity’” and “Filling up the Sufferings of Christ: Preaching Colossians 1:24 With and Among Diverse Voices.”

克里斯蒂·拉扎尔·坎特雷尔(化学) 以及她的合作者, 包括22岁的伊森·沃克和25岁的约书亚·张, 发表文章, “Computationally Designed Molecules Modulate ALS-Related Amyloidogenic TDP-43(307–319) Aggregation,发表在ACS化学神经科学杂志上.

大卫·埃特贝克(音乐) performed with Andrea Bocelli at the Hollywood Bowl last May and as principal trumpet with the New West Symphony in the fall. 他最近录制了一首新的小号独奏作品, “Four Miniatures for Trumpet Alone” by local composer John Biggs and gave its premiere performance at Westmont’s faculty recital last fall.

道格·方特斯(工程师) 发表论文, “Sustainable Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting for Electronic Worn at the Knee,” at the 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in New Orleans.

乔纳森·希克斯(戏剧艺术) served as associate lighting designer for the Santa Barbara Festival Ballet’s 48th presentation of “The Nutcracker” at the Arlington Theatre.

内森·赫夫(艺术) 提出了“森林为树木”,他的第三次个展在圣巴巴拉的沙利文戈斯画廊举行.

Dan Jensen(工程师), 伊利亚·西西利奥24岁, 乔纳·斯旺森,24岁, Josh Wozniak ’25 and Tasha Loh ’24 presented “A Weighted Design Matrix Approach for Informing Digital vs. Physical Prototyping Options” to scientists and engineers at the Air Force 研究 Lab, 赖特-帕特森空军基地, 俄亥俄州, 9月.

史蒂夫·胡里奥(生物学) and two collaborators at the University of North Carolina at 教堂 Hill received a two-year NIH grant for $240,研究博德特拉菌的致病机制, 引起百日咳的细菌, 持续存在于呼吸道引起疾病.

通过与音乐系同事的合作, 露丝·林(音乐) led the Westmont Orchestra and College Choir as part of the19th annual Westmont Christmas Festival, 在两场演出中分享“圆满的喜悦”的人超过2人,200人在历史悠久的格拉纳达剧院.

卡罗琳·米滕(教育) spoke about “Supporting Teacher Candidate’s Knowledge and Implementation of Rubrics” at the 2023 Meredith Fellows Implementation Conference.

She delivered a professional development session about implementing number talks in K–12 classrooms at Coastline Christian Academy in August. 她的研究文章, 比较pst对数学和读写方法的看法,” was featured in the winter 2023 newsletter of the California Council on Teacher Education.

史蒂夫·波特(马丁研究所) presented “When God Doesn’t Heal: Receiving God’s Formative Grace Through Bodily Pain” at the Holy Spirit Symposium at Biola University; and “Knowing Christ Today: The Shape of Christian Spiritual Formation” and “Internalizing the Love of God: A Theological Psychology of Receiving and Resisting Love” to the Evangelical Theological Society.

Caryn Reeder(宗教研究) 出版了《ag娱乐官网》, Community and Politics: Interpreting Tears in Luke 23:27–31” in the journal New Testament Studies (November 2023). 她发表了一篇论文, “奴隶制, 路加福音中的性别和膳食,在2023年11月的圣经文学协会年会上.

Helen Rhee(宗教研究) 出版了两本书:《ag娱乐官网》, 《ag娱乐官网》,“残疾”, 医学, and Healing Discourse in Early Christianity: New Conversations for Health Humanities” and “Wealth, 贫穷与施舍,,摘自《ag娱乐官网》.” She also served on two panels at the Society of Biblical Literature in San Antonio: “Patristic 研究, 教父的智慧:挑战与可能性,” and a book review about Zhenya Gurina-Rodriguez’s “Begging for Their Daily Bread: Beggar-Centric Interpretations of Matthew 6.”

Sandra Richter(宗教研究) 出版一本书的一章, 旧约研究中的环境方法,在《ag娱乐官网》中,一篇文章, 《ag娱乐官网》, 戴安娜埃德尔曼, 菲利普·纪尧姆, 还有贝内黛塔·罗西,,发表在《ag娱乐官网》上, and a book review of 菲利普·纪尧姆’s “The Economy of Deuteronomy’s Core” in the Catholic Biblical Quarterly. She lectured as a guest at Asbury Theological Seminar’s “Scholars Who Preach” annual event, filmed her newest curriculum about “Deborah and the Book of Judges” with Harper Collins, and served as the plenary speaker for the Mission Society’s presidential retreat at the Billy Graham retreat center in North Carolina.

Edward Song(哲学) 发表论文, “有独立的公平原则吗?,在哲学学院, 2023年11月在新奥尔良举行的政治与经济年会. He delivered the morning keynote address at the Santa Barbara Martin Luther King Jr. 一天庆祝.

Felicia Song(社会学) gave an interview to the Holy Post podcast in their series on teens and digital technologies.

宋光(计算机科学) 一位合著者发表了一篇文章, “Coarse-Graining Waters: Unveiling The Effective Hydrophilicity/ Hydrophobicity of Individual Protein Atoms and the Roles of Waters’ Hydrogens,发表在《ag娱乐官网》杂志上.

Maryke van der Walt(数学) presented her reSearch on blood glucose prediction at the Southern California-Nevada section meeting of the Mathematical Association of America in October 2023 as well as at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in January 2024.

Sameer Yadav(宗教研究) spoke on a panel about “Non-Contrastive Transcendence and the Creative Agency of God” at the 2023 annual American Academy of Religion meeting, 这篇文章将在即将出版的《ag娱乐官网》杂志上发表. 他还作了一次全体演讲, 基督教神学求知的解放规范,” for the Religious Epistemology and Psychology Workshop at Seattle Pacific University. He gave invited lectures about “Joban Theology and Christian Pessimism” at Union Theological Seminary and “Pessimism and the Problem of Evil” at Loyola University Maryland.